Around the World

Apparently Sydney's gravitational pull is too strong. Once again I find myself Down Under. Will I escape once more? Or will I remain quarantined in Terra Australis forever? I suppose I can call it home again... for now... (See my travel archives by clicking on the links listed on the left under "Archives").

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

This week in London...

After finishing up school fa-eva and being abandoned by the majority of my mates luck would have it that I contracted the flu virus. Of course, last week I was bragging to my flatmate Liz that I had thus far avoided getting sick, despite everyone around me falling ill. So last weekend, when I should have been celebrating the end to my short lived London teaching career I was laid up. In fact, I spent all Saturday on the couch watching the entire sixth season of Sex and the City. Erin gave up two episodes short, what a quitter! I battled on 'til 2 in the morning, that's approximately 11 hours of Carrie Bradshaw and co., stopping only for toilet and food breaks.
It's been a hectic December and I am absolutely loving this week. School's out and offices across London are winding down, meaning it's been impossible to find any temping work. Those of you at home will be pleased to know that despite the plummeting temperatures, having the flu and not having to work I've been dragging my little Aussie battler butt out of bed every morning to go to the gym with Liz at 6am.
This morning I was on the treadmill watching one of 8 tv's and who should come on the screen but Sami Lukas, Aussie weather girl extraordinaire. There was a satellite link up between a massive crowd on a beach somewhere in Sydney and GMTV here in London. There were people holding babies for loved ones over here to see for the first time and loads of (by the looks of it) drunk Poms holding signs saying "G'day mum" and the like. It made me smile and then I was overcome with rage as I saw everyone was wearing little singlet tops and the sun was shining and they were all tanned and I had to leave the house in the pitch black this morning, being saturated by the rain as I went to the station. By the way, how's home you guys? still the same? yeah, thought so. I'm not bitter or anything. You know, London doesn't have cockroaches, so there.

On a brighter note Egg and I are off to the Big Apple on Saturday, yes we're flying on Xmas Day. We can't wait! A white Xmas is only a 7 hour flight away. All is good in the world!
Safe travels over the festive season people.
Love to you all!

PS. We went to see a movie called Garden State on the weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it, check it out if you get the chance. It was written and directed by Zach Braff (JD in Scrubs), who also stars in it. And he's only our age. Well done! Apparently he had a run in with that Pomeranz woman when he was out in Oz doing publicity...
PS2. Sara and Maggs, Bones and Suze, Earle and Scali - hope you all arrived safe and that you're having a fantastic time!


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