Around the World

Apparently Sydney's gravitational pull is too strong. Once again I find myself Down Under. Will I escape once more? Or will I remain quarantined in Terra Australis forever? I suppose I can call it home again... for now... (See my travel archives by clicking on the links listed on the left under "Archives").

Monday, April 11, 2005


Make Poverty History: UNICEF UK is joining the biggest coalition of charities and development agencies ever formed in British history.

Here's some facts for you -
30,000 people die needlessly every day, more than 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day and more than 100 million children are unable to go to school.

In July, Tony Blair (aka Tones) will host the annual G8 gathering. The UK can be an influential player on the world stage, encouraging world leaders to release money for international aid. To help put the pressure on, UNICEF are asking their supporters to send postcards to Tony Blair.
Why not take a few seconds out of your day to send one of these e-postcards to Tones. Just click on the link below and think about all the good karma...


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